Creativity can mean absolutely anything, if you come up with an idea and follow it through you have created something, simple as that! You don't have to paint a masterpiece write a blockbuster novel to class yourself as creative, even the simplest thing like cooking a meal for your family means that from a bunch of ingredients you have created a delicious meal for your family. So stop beating yourself up if you haven't got the artistic flair that you wish you had, you can easily learn.
Unlocking our own creativity is a fabulous journey of discovery, as it may be in a completely different area to where you thought it would be. If you aspire to paint, you may find that instead of being able to put oil to canvas you could excel in the very self satisfying area of interior design. This gives full reign to any creativity and is an enjoyable hobby, as well as a lucrative side line. If you like words and writing and fancy that you could be a decent writer, why not enrol on one of the courses that are available online, or register with one of the sites where you can do freelance writing and get paid for it. Okay, you won't make a fortune, but the experience will be invaluable and your writing skills will improve no end.
Lots of us as children aspire to be our favorite pop stars and sing along into a hairbrush dreaming of fame and stardom, sadly, for everyone who succeeds there are thousands who fail. The same goes for acting, an incredibly hard career to get into and make a success of. If you enjoy this kind of artistic creativity, joining a local theatre group or choir will give you a chance to enjoy your acting or singing, without the worries of where your next paid job will come from.
Making things with your hands is an extremely satisfying way to express your creativity, and there are so many ways to do it that there will be one that you find you are good at. Imagine the feeling of pride you will have when visitors admire your new drapes, or newly upholstered chairs and you can tell them in all honesty that you did them yourselves? Knitting, crocheting, quilt making, wood work, cake decorating, specialist cooking skills there are so many things that you can turn your hand too. Have a look in your local newspaper or online to see what classes are being held in your area and for what subjects. There may be something really obscure which you like the sound of and find yourself excelling at. A friend of mine fancied cake decorating but ended up making candles and was excellent at it, so be open minded.
Don't let yourself be held back by your lack of confidence in your abilities, we all have a creative streak it is simply a case of finding the outlet for it. Let your artistic juices flow freely and before you know it you will be surprising yourself with your newfound creativity.