If you are wondering how to be more productive, you've got to get one thing straight first: The only thing (except for God and chance maybe) that is going to make any difference at all in your life is what you do! So, what are you and I going to do with those 8,760 hours you've got to work with in the next year?
New Year, New Routine
Every year, millions of people around the world stay up late on December 31 to usher in the new year. The New Year is a great time for reflection on the past year and what improvements you can strive for in the coming months. Resolutions are made around the globe, and then promptly broken.
30 Tips For Creativity
Creativity can mean absolutely anything, if you come up with an idea and follow it through you have created something, simple as that! You don't have to paint a masterpiece write a blockbuster novel to class yourself as creative, even the simplest thing like cooking a meal for your family means that from a bunch of ingredients you have created a delicious meal for your family.